Category: Food

  • Aldi “Christmas Carrot” Storyboards

    Aldi “Christmas Carrot” Storyboards

    In Los Angeles, Christmas starts in September.  If you work in commercial production, that is!  Indeed it takes a couple of months for projects to get greenlit and produced in time for airing during the holiday season.  So it was that last year I was working on a fun Christmas project for my clients at…

  • Nutella “Spread the Happiness” Storyboards

    Nutella “Spread the Happiness” Storyboards

    Woohoo! In addition to the previous Nutella spot, I happened to do the boards for the most recent follow up- “Spread the Happiness!”  Once again produced by my great clients at Brand New School. They are playing this spot a LOT on TV right now- which is great, since it rocks!  It’s fun, it’s pop, it’s…

  • Nutella – Spread the Happy

    Nutella – Spread the Happy

    Here’s a fun quick one!  I boarded out this spot for my great clients at Brand New School– they do great work and are always involved in fun, whimsical, creative projects.  Nutella was no exception.  The concept was clear and well developed- and they had great designers on the project, so I was able to…

  • Clorox to the Rescue

    Clorox to the Rescue

    Earlier this year I had the pleasure of doing a BUNCH of shoot boards for my clients at 29 Black on their Clorox spots, among other things.  Four spots in total, and they are pretty simple, so not much explanation needed, but they all go along with the theme of “Your house gets messy and…

  • Corona “New Can” Storyboards

    Corona “New Can” Storyboards

    This is one of my favorite recent projects- a great concept, flawless execution, and I got to have a lot of creative input. The concept is really simple- a Corona can is situated in a dreamlike beach scene, and transforms into a palm tree, and from that palm tree sprouts another palm tree and between…

  • Hypro “Generations”

    Hypro “Generations”

    We’re all just simple farmers, right?  Well, even if you don’t swing a hoe, you might enjoy these simple storyboards.  Simple drawings to tell a simple story of a simple farming family- passing on the tools of the trade to the next generation of farmers. Here, we use a juxtaposition of shots of dilapidated tractors…

  • Taco Bell commercial pitch- Rubik’s Cube

    Taco Bell commercial pitch- Rubik’s Cube

    Here’s some storyboards I did for a pitch for a recent Taco Bell spot. The premise is, you can use an app to order whatever kind of taco bell food item you want, encouraging you to try new items and new combinations.  It’s like having a Taco Bell Rubik’s cube! And here’s the final commercial.…

  • Reeses Puffs Breakfast Cereal Storyboards

    Reeses Puffs Breakfast Cereal Storyboards

    We see our young hero approach his ultramodern kitchen and select his breakfast of choice- Reeses, of course.  It’s the only cereal replete with musical talent.  Each little particle of puffed wheat is a symphony in the crunching.  That’s clear.  But what you may not realize is no force on earth can contain said symphony…

  • Reddi-Wip “Supermarket” Storyboards

    Reddi-Wip “Supermarket” Storyboards

    Another quick one this week. I did these boards earlier this year. This kind of spot is very familiar to everyone- the taste test.  Which do you prefer?  Reddi-wip, or the other whipped topping? As if there was any doubt. These were sketched out quickly, but I don’t think they suffer for it.  Often times…

  • Kingsford Charcoal “Mother’s Day”

    Kingsford Charcoal “Mother’s Day”

    This week’s storyboard is from a Kingsford Charcoal commercial, aired around Mother’s Day in 2012.  It’s a humorous yet touching interaction between father and son as they discuss the merits of going the extra mile for Mom… vs slappin’ some meat on the grill and eating like Real Men.  Luckily, Mom’s down for steak too.…

  • Sparkling Ice

    Sparkling Ice

    So if you’re in LA, you’ve probably noticed these Sparkling Ice billboards going up everywhere- I know I see three of them when I commute to the west side. You might have also seen their TV spot as well!  Well, I storyboarded it.  First, take a look at the video, and then I’ll discuss.…