Category: Personal

  • New Media

    New Media

    So, it’s no secret that all of entertainment and more broadly tech in general has undergone a major series of contractions- layoffs have affected every Studio and WFH job. There’s been major reversals in the unprecedented demand of post-covid “peak media”; Labor strikes in Hollywood; AI technologies rendering whole professions redundant; and interest rates AKA…

  • Obligatory Post about AI

    Obligatory Post about AI

    Well, AI is here, so what do we think? So much has been said already by so many others, and to be honest, I’m still wrapping my head around the implications already. To be specific, when I say AI, I’m referring to the broad concepts of text-to-image Generative AI stuff like Midjourney and Dall-E and…

  • Business is Personal

    Business is Personal

    It’s been nearly two years since I’ve updated this blog, and it’s been a hell of a ride; and continues to be so, as there’s currently the COVID-19 pandemic getting some serious traction in LA (and thus the entertainment industry), forcing some major (hopefully temporary) shifts in what constitutes business as usual for myself and…

  • What I’m Packing Now

    What I’m Packing Now

    My New Mobile Studio: Wacom MobileStudio Pro and MacBook Pro This is a post about my new digital studio, but to put the excitement I have for this setup in context, I think it’s a great idea to backtrack a bit.  A couple of years ago, I posted about my ‘new’ Cintiq companion – new, at…

  • 10 Years In… Portfolio Tips and Advice for Those Just Starting Out

    10 Years In… Portfolio Tips and Advice for Those Just Starting Out

    The other day I received a very nice email from a reader of this blog, which expressed his interest in beginning work in the field of commercial storyboarding, and it briefly described the common frustrations one faces at the outset of one’s artistic career- “breaking in,” seemed, as he put it, a Catch-22 situation. How do…

  • My New Cintiq Companion!

    My New Cintiq Companion!

      I’ve got a new addition to my work setup- my Cintiq Companion!  It’s a handsome little device- Wacom-made, so of course it’s driven primarily though a pressure-sensitive screen.  It’s touch sensitive as well, and with the Windows OS driving it, it’s similar to the Microsoft Surface tablet- but the form is different and the…

  • Sketch of my cat, Hugh

    Sketch of my cat, Hugh

    The point of being an artist, is, of course, to sketch cats.  Here’s my boy cat, Hugh, doing what he does best.