Category: Medicine

  • Business is Personal

    Business is Personal

    It’s been nearly two years since I’ve updated this blog, and it’s been a hell of a ride; and continues to be so, as there’s currently the COVID-19 pandemic getting some serious traction in LA (and thus the entertainment industry), forcing some major (hopefully temporary) shifts in what constitutes business as usual for myself and…

  • Airborne “Everyday”

    Airborne “Everyday”

    Everybody needs to take Airborne Everyday vitamins everyday, everybody knows that.  Why, no, I’m not a doctor.  I just draw them in commercials. Medical advice aside, this was a pretty simple and fun spot to work on.  Brought a little bit of color to the project with the vitamin “snow” effect, which seemed to work…

  • BENGAY Storyboards

    Here’s some storyboards I did a few years back- 2011 or thereabouts.  Very humorous story- we see a young woman suffering from a sports injury apply a little BENGAY to the site of the pain- and we zoom in and provide a visual explanation of how the product works to cool and numb the affliction:…