Category: Sketch

  • Lineage:  Red Knights!  Storyboards

    Lineage: Red Knights! Storyboards

    A couple years ago, I had a great time working on a series of spots for a very popular (in Korea) game called Lineage.  The anthem spot was about a minute long and had lots of action and fun characters, and it’s the subject of this post. The story goes- we find our hero protagonist…

  • Angels Baseball – Storyboards

    Angels Baseball – Storyboards

      Here’s a quick one today- sometimes I get contacted at the last minute to quickly sketch up a concept for a pitch, and it’s just a handful of frames to run by a client, and see what might stick.  That was the case for this project- and I don’t know enough of the context…

  • Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

    Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

      Our last one for the Intel series!  What a journey. Starting out, we see a typical video conference.  Our high profile businesswoman is kicking corporate butt.  But then we reveal that she’s actually lakeside- using the power of Intel to convince her colleagues that she’s all business, but actually keeping a great work/life separation.…

  • Intel Series pt 5:  “Replay”

    Intel Series pt 5: “Replay”

      Here’s another in the Intel series- quickly executed shoot boards for an Intel campaign highlighting tech innovations in daily life. This one’s silly- a dude gets hit in the face with a water balloon- a slow motion video captures the impact and aftermath- EPIC PRANK.  All that’s left is to edit and post it…

  • Intel Series pt 4: “Hello”

    Intel Series pt 4: “Hello”

    Another quick one for the “Intel” series- a series of closeup portraits of tech users from all walks of life and points on the globe.  No matter who you are, your tech is as personal as your… uh, personality.  You unique thing, you. The client had cast all the actors for the spot already, so…

  • Intel Series pt 3: “Drone”

    Intel Series pt 3: “Drone”

      Lost in the woods?  Panicked for your life?  Hunted by bears?  No worry, Intel is there with a superintelligent rescue drone to track you by your heat signature and lead you back to civilization- capable of dodging trees in it’s path as well. This board continues the Intel Series I knocked out a while…

  • Intel Series pt 2: “Cliff”

    Intel Series pt 2: “Cliff”

      Just a quick post today – I’ve got quite the backlog of great boards waiting to go up but I have been too busy to make posts!  So I’m just going to kind of rush through the rest of the “Intel” series- after all, I did them all in one day (practically) and no…

  • Intel Series pt 1: “Plunge” featuring the Peak fitness watch

    Intel Series pt 1: “Plunge” featuring the Peak fitness watch

    Another great spot I storyboarded for my clients at Slim Pictures.  These is an Intel commercial but focused on their integration with the latest offerings in computing wearables- called out in this case as the Peak fitness watch. In this spot we chase our Heroine through a densely wooded northern California forest- tracking, panning, pushing…

  • Payless “Parkour” Storyboards

    Payless “Parkour” Storyboards

    Seems like everyone’s always rushing around, late for something.  Hurry up!  Finish faster!  Boy, I hear a lot of that.  Just kidding, nobody’s faster than ol’ Maxi.  That’s why I was called to do this spot. They needed shoot boards ASAY (As Soon As Yesterday) and … well… frankly, we did this project so quickly,…

  • Glade Storyboards

    Glade Storyboards

    Just a quick one today- I can only take partial credit anyway, since I was mopping up for another artist who started the project but was not available to finish it.  Really though, they should have just called me in the first place! Maybe they needed a slower artist, to, I dunno, take his time…

  • “Brave Frontier” Storyboards

    “Brave Frontier” Storyboards

    So, here’s some awesome storyboards I did for a video game commercial- a mobile game app called “Brave Frontier,” which is apparently very popular.  I wish I had more time to play games myself!  Jumped into this project and worked concurrently with some very talented concept artists and directors to establish a very cool look…

  • Sketch of my cat, Hugh

    Sketch of my cat, Hugh

    The point of being an artist, is, of course, to sketch cats.  Here’s my boy cat, Hugh, doing what he does best.