Category: Corporate

  • Obligatory Post about AI

    Obligatory Post about AI

    Well, AI is here, so what do we think? So much has been said already by so many others, and to be honest, I’m still wrapping my head around the implications already. To be specific, when I say AI, I’m referring to the broad concepts of text-to-image Generative AI stuff like Midjourney and Dall-E and…

  • AT&T “Market Mishap” Storyboards!

    AT&T “Market Mishap” Storyboards!

    A while back, I got called in to my good clients at DirecTV (now AT&T) to work on a spot for their Adworks campaign- a commercial about commercials! How funny!  But really, it makes sense to make sure your advertising dollars aren’t going to waste, right?  That’s why you hire ‘Ol Maxy, right? and then…

  • Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

    Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

      Our last one for the Intel series!  What a journey. Starting out, we see a typical video conference.  Our high profile businesswoman is kicking corporate butt.  But then we reveal that she’s actually lakeside- using the power of Intel to convince her colleagues that she’s all business, but actually keeping a great work/life separation.…

  • Apple Commercial – “Better Starts Here”

    Apple Commercial – “Better Starts Here”

    So!  Another cool Apple commercial under my belt.  I really like doing these editorial-style commercials (the juxtaposition of the shots lead the viewer to form deeper associations even with seemingly unrelated visuals) and my good clients at Slim Pictures know the secret to booking ol’ Maxi: advance notice!  Most clients seem to be booking more…

  • One of my commercials airing now… NASDAQ OMX CENTURY

    So, I’m sitting at home watching Mad Men, one of my favorite shows, and during the commercial break I see one of the commercials I worked on recently!  For those of you who don’t work in commercial production, it’s really a treat to see a commercial that you worked on, aired randomly, when you are…