Category: :30

  • Rough Sketch vs. Final

    Rough Sketch vs. Final

    A quick one today! I just noticed that this updated version of wordpress has this fun option of interactive image sliders- so that you can compare A/B images and appreciate the differences and similarities! I have below an excerpt from a project a few years back- again, depicting a family enjoying nearly being “there” with…

  • Talk, Read, Sing! First Five California – Storyboards

    Talk, Read, Sing! First Five California – Storyboards

    Here’s a very fun project I did a while back, that I’m excited to share- storyboards for the First 5 California “Brainy Birds” commercial, which was part of their Talk, Read, Sing! campaign.  Basically: talk, read, and sing to your kids, and watch their little brains grow!  What a fun message.  And I can attest…

  • Top Secret Commercial

    Top Secret Commercial

    Here’s kind of a funny notion- a commercial that’s top secret while you’re working on it, and barely disclosed as it airs, and you can’t even guess whether or not you even contributed towards it.  How fun!  Well, I drew the following boards, and the following commercial was aired shortly after, and that’s about all…

  • Love, Depicted

    Love, Depicted

    I’ll leave out the specifics on what product/company these frames were advertising for; suffice to say, it was a collection of short spots of families and loved ones reflecting on the nature of their relationships (with some product placement tastefully featured in the periphery).  Rather, Let’s consider these boards an example of how I really…

  • “War Planet” Storyboards

    “War Planet” Storyboards

    Hi!  So here’s a fun one, if, I guess, you think war and conquest is fun… just kidding, of course you do!  What could be more fun then kicking your friends’ butts in online multiplayer combat via iOS or Android device? NOTHING #LOL But seriously, I LOVE DRAWING WAR, something about it just flows out…

  • BATES MOTEL | Promo Pitch Boards

    BATES MOTEL | Promo Pitch Boards

    So here’s a riddle:  When are you HAPPY that your favorite binge-able show finally is finally axed?  WHEN IT MEANS YOU CAN FINALLY POST your storyboards for the promos!!!  I’ve been dying to show these off for a while now.  Of course, these were just pitches for promos, and as far as I can tell,…

  • “Asphalt Xtreme” Storyboards

    “Asphalt Xtreme” Storyboards

    Woohoo!  Here’s another fun project from earlier this year that I’m very proud to show- fun video game racing action! The “Asphalt” Series is well known in gaming circles as a premium racing product and I was very excited to be involved with my clients at PSYOP for their pitch and production of this great…

  • Nutella “Spread the Happiness” Storyboards

    Nutella “Spread the Happiness” Storyboards

    Woohoo! In addition to the previous Nutella spot, I happened to do the boards for the most recent follow up- “Spread the Happiness!”  Once again produced by my great clients at Brand New School. They are playing this spot a LOT on TV right now- which is great, since it rocks!  It’s fun, it’s pop, it’s…

  • Pine Sol Storyboards – “Powerful Clean, Lemony Fresh”

    Pine Sol Storyboards – “Powerful Clean, Lemony Fresh”

    Here’s a fun spot I worked on earlier this year for my great clients at Mirada.  It’s a charming commercial fo r lemon-scent Pine Sol, and to provide a brief backstory: the agency had “tested” a wacky concept of small soldiers and ballerinas chanting “powerful clean” and “lemony fresh” as they jumped into a Pine…

  • “Date Night” Storyboards

    “Date Night” Storyboards

    Here’s a quick sweet little project I boarded a while back – one of those synergistic multi-product subtle mega-mercials masquerading as a network PSA – tips for a fun “date night!” Here, a couple starts out there morning routine as usual- but then in a moment of whimsy, it strikes them to spice things up…

  • Angels Baseball – Storyboards

    Angels Baseball – Storyboards

      Here’s a quick one today- sometimes I get contacted at the last minute to quickly sketch up a concept for a pitch, and it’s just a handful of frames to run by a client, and see what might stick.  That was the case for this project- and I don’t know enough of the context…

  • Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    A long time ago, in a studio far far away- I drew up some storyboards for a Star Wars TFA / Legos teaser-style commercial!  Its a lot of fun to draw Star Wars stuff, and like everyone else on the planet, I was very excited about the new films coming out.  So I’m super happy…