Category: Tools

  • Obligatory Post about AI

    Obligatory Post about AI

    Well, AI is here, so what do we think? So much has been said already by so many others, and to be honest, I’m still wrapping my head around the implications already. To be specific, when I say AI, I’m referring to the broad concepts of text-to-image Generative AI stuff like Midjourney and Dall-E and…

  • What I’m Packing Now

    What I’m Packing Now

    My New Mobile Studio: Wacom MobileStudio Pro and MacBook Pro This is a post about my new digital studio, but to put the excitement I have for this setup in context, I think it’s a great idea to backtrack a bit.  A couple of years ago, I posted about my ‘new’ Cintiq companion – new, at…

  • Intel Series pt 3: “Drone”

    Intel Series pt 3: “Drone”

      Lost in the woods?  Panicked for your life?  Hunted by bears?  No worry, Intel is there with a superintelligent rescue drone to track you by your heat signature and lead you back to civilization- capable of dodging trees in it’s path as well. This board continues the Intel Series I knocked out a while…

  • Hypro “Generations”

    Hypro “Generations”

    We’re all just simple farmers, right?  Well, even if you don’t swing a hoe, you might enjoy these simple storyboards.  Simple drawings to tell a simple story of a simple farming family- passing on the tools of the trade to the next generation of farmers. Here, we use a juxtaposition of shots of dilapidated tractors…

  • John Deere : Gator – Storyboards

    John Deere : Gator – Storyboards

    You’re a manly man, and you need a manly ATV to help with all your manly tasks.  John Deere’s Gator is for you. I worked on this project late in 2013 as I was moving into my house- I remember that time vividly as it was extremely cold in my workshed studio and I didn’t…

  • My New Cintiq Companion!

    My New Cintiq Companion!

      I’ve got a new addition to my work setup- my Cintiq Companion!  It’s a handsome little device- Wacom-made, so of course it’s driven primarily though a pressure-sensitive screen.  It’s touch sensitive as well, and with the Windows OS driving it, it’s similar to the Microsoft Surface tablet- but the form is different and the…