Category: iOS/Mobile
Lineage: Red Knights! Storyboards
A couple years ago, I had a great time working on a series of spots for a very popular (in Korea) game called Lineage. The anthem spot was about a minute long and had lots of action and fun characters, and it’s the subject of this post. The story goes- we find our hero protagonist…
AT&T “Market Mishap” Storyboards!
A while back, I got called in to my good clients at DirecTV (now AT&T) to work on a spot for their Adworks campaign- a commercial about commercials! How funny! But really, it makes sense to make sure your advertising dollars aren’t going to waste, right? That’s why you hire ‘Ol Maxy, right? and then…
“War Planet” Storyboards
Hi! So here’s a fun one, if, I guess, you think war and conquest is fun… just kidding, of course you do! What could be more fun then kicking your friends’ butts in online multiplayer combat via iOS or Android device? NOTHING #LOL But seriously, I LOVE DRAWING WAR, something about it just flows out…
“Asphalt Xtreme” Storyboards
Woohoo! Here’s another fun project from earlier this year that I’m very proud to show- fun video game racing action! The “Asphalt” Series is well known in gaming circles as a premium racing product and I was very excited to be involved with my clients at PSYOP for their pitch and production of this great…
Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”
Our last one for the Intel series! What a journey. Starting out, we see a typical video conference. Our high profile businesswoman is kicking corporate butt. But then we reveal that she’s actually lakeside- using the power of Intel to convince her colleagues that she’s all business, but actually keeping a great work/life separation.…
Intel Series pt 2: “Cliff”
Just a quick post today – I’ve got quite the backlog of great boards waiting to go up but I have been too busy to make posts! So I’m just going to kind of rush through the rest of the “Intel” series- after all, I did them all in one day (practically) and no…
Intel Series pt 1: “Plunge” featuring the Peak fitness watch
Another great spot I storyboarded for my clients at Slim Pictures. These is an Intel commercial but focused on their integration with the latest offerings in computing wearables- called out in this case as the Peak fitness watch. In this spot we chase our Heroine through a densely wooded northern California forest- tracking, panning, pushing…
Apple Commercial – “Better Starts Here”
So! Another cool Apple commercial under my belt. I really like doing these editorial-style commercials (the juxtaposition of the shots lead the viewer to form deeper associations even with seemingly unrelated visuals) and my good clients at Slim Pictures know the secret to booking ol’ Maxi: advance notice! Most clients seem to be booking more…
Taco Bell commercial pitch- Rubik’s Cube
Here’s some storyboards I did for a pitch for a recent Taco Bell spot. The premise is, you can use an app to order whatever kind of taco bell food item you want, encouraging you to try new items and new combinations. It’s like having a Taco Bell Rubik’s cube! And here’s the final commercial.…
T-Mobile/iPad Air Storyboards
This commercial apparently aired during Superbowl 2014, but I must have missed it. The concept was, initially, to show closeups of iPad users of all walks of life interacting with their iPad Airs and eventually packing them up into various conveyances and resolve on a single user leaving his home and walking out into the…
Kindle “Voyage” Storyboards
Here’s a cool project- Amazon’s new paperwhite Kindle Reader, the Voyage, is so paper-realistic, you just can’t believe it’s not paper. And thus, the commercial for this device is a kind of paper-craft 3d papery world with classic print text on the paper. Paper. I did a lot of storyboards/concept frames for this spot- it…
My Graphic Novel is now on sale! Available in Digital and Print!
I’m very excited to announce that 3 Minute Max, my graphic novel/webcomic, is now available for purchase in digital and print versions! This first volume is the collection of chapters 1-3 and is about 98 pages. Print versions are $20 and include shipping and taxes. Digital versions are $5.99 and available via Kindle or Comixology…