Category: Hip

  • Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    I had a good run a couple of years ago getting hired to draw storyboards for an ad campaign for Labatt Blue, a Canadian Beer brand.  They have a Bear character (just an actor in a bear suit) who is their Party Champion – a “Duff Man,” if you will- who shows up at opportune…

  • Corona “New Can” Storyboards

    Corona “New Can” Storyboards

    This is one of my favorite recent projects- a great concept, flawless execution, and I got to have a lot of creative input. The concept is really simple- a Corona can is situated in a dreamlike beach scene, and transforms into a palm tree, and from that palm tree sprouts another palm tree and between…

  • Olay “Red Carpet”

    Olay “Red Carpet”

    Another fun awards-season spot.  Seems like I had a bunch this year.  This was a fun concept- highly stylized shots of woman’s night preparing to walk the red carpet- shot in reverse- so we reveal the secret to her glamorous beauty- Olay Regenerist face cream! This spot was highly developed by the director, a very…

  • “A Day in the Life” Storyboards

    “A Day in the Life” Storyboards

    Here’s another one of my famous dancing storyboards.  I don’t quite know how I always seem to be drawing choreographed dances.  Ironically, I’m a terrible dancer.  Oh well. These storyboards are for a kinda companion marketed synergistic branding tie-in cross promotional effort between E! channel and Degree (the antiperspirant), starring that Famous Choreographer you recognize…

  • Proactiv+ Commercials

    Proactiv+ Commercials

    Man, pimples suck!  I still get pimples now and again, and I certainly had my fair share in high school.  Maybe it was all the soda and doritos and taco bell… nah…. Enter Proactiv+.  It’s the skin clarifying formula we’ve all been waiting for!  And it’s endorsed by mega-artist Adam Levine, among others. So this…

  • Ugg Boots – Storyboards

    Ugg Boots – Storyboards

    When you see a snowy holiday commercial nowadays, bear in mind that it’s probably produced during the Summer season in Los Angeles, where it never snows.  That’s certainly the case with these two spots I storyboarded. This commercial campaign was produced by Timber, a great company and I love working with these guys, primarily because…

  • T-Mobile/iPad Air Storyboards

    T-Mobile/iPad Air Storyboards

    This commercial apparently aired during Superbowl 2014, but I must have missed it.  The concept was, initially, to show closeups of iPad users of all walks of life interacting with their iPad Airs and eventually packing them up into various conveyances and resolve on a single user leaving his home and walking out into the…

  • Reeses Puffs Breakfast Cereal Storyboards

    Reeses Puffs Breakfast Cereal Storyboards

    We see our young hero approach his ultramodern kitchen and select his breakfast of choice- Reeses, of course.  It’s the only cereal replete with musical talent.  Each little particle of puffed wheat is a symphony in the crunching.  That’s clear.  But what you may not realize is no force on earth can contain said symphony…

  • DSW & The Fox House

    Last year, on Halloween, I boarded the DSW commercial that is airing right now (early March, 2013): This commercial was a lot of fun to work on, and also very different, because I was up close and personal with the production, and in this case, it was a real treat.  I received the scripts…

  • Sonic’s first Street Art – Storyboards

    Sonic’s first Street Art – Storyboards

    So, yeah, was on Youtube last night and saw something familiar- a Chevy Sonic spot i worked on a couple months ago, come to life!  Here’s a link to the video: And here’s the storyboards I did for it! [slideshow id=14]  

  • Saw one of my commercials on TV…  DSW “Where’d you get those shoes?”

    Saw one of my commercials on TV… DSW “Where’d you get those shoes?”

    [slideshow id=13] A couple of months ago I met with a new client and worked on their DSW commercial for a couple of days.  It was rainy then, as it is now… good day to write about it.   So anyway I worked on this shoe commercial and it was actually pretty hard!  I did…