Category: Samples

  • Sophos – Cyber Security

    Sophos – Cyber Security

    Boy, those viruses, huh? They’re everywhere, trying to wreck our lives. Luckily Sophos is there to scan and sweep them away. From our computers, at least. This was a fun, quick job that needed a very specific tone in order to convey the sense of dystopian angst- the directors sent references that were very film…

  • Love, Depicted

    Love, Depicted

    I’ll leave out the specifics on what product/company these frames were advertising for; suffice to say, it was a collection of short spots of families and loved ones reflecting on the nature of their relationships (with some product placement tastefully featured in the periphery).  Rather, Let’s consider these boards an example of how I really…

  • Nutella “Spread the Happiness” Storyboards

    Nutella “Spread the Happiness” Storyboards

    Woohoo! In addition to the previous Nutella spot, I happened to do the boards for the most recent follow up- “Spread the Happiness!”  Once again produced by my great clients at Brand New School. They are playing this spot a LOT on TV right now- which is great, since it rocks!  It’s fun, it’s pop, it’s…

  • Pine Sol Storyboards – “Powerful Clean, Lemony Fresh”

    Pine Sol Storyboards – “Powerful Clean, Lemony Fresh”

    Here’s a fun spot I worked on earlier this year for my great clients at Mirada.  It’s a charming commercial fo r lemon-scent Pine Sol, and to provide a brief backstory: the agency had “tested” a wacky concept of small soldiers and ballerinas chanting “powerful clean” and “lemony fresh” as they jumped into a Pine…

  • “Date Night” Storyboards

    “Date Night” Storyboards

    Here’s a quick sweet little project I boarded a while back – one of those synergistic multi-product subtle mega-mercials masquerading as a network PSA – tips for a fun “date night!” Here, a couple starts out there morning routine as usual- but then in a moment of whimsy, it strikes them to spice things up…

  • Duracell – Pitch Storyboards

    Duracell – Pitch Storyboards

      Here’s one I’ve had on ice a while now- an old pitch, that we didn’t get awarded, and thus I’ve not really been able to present, but enough time has passed that we can risk a look at my work, and hope nobody minds.  It was a rare “throw your best efforts and time…

  • Red Bull / Audi Storyboards

    Red Bull / Audi Storyboards

      Here’s a very fun spot I did a while back for Red Bull/Audi;  a little cross promotional effort to reinforce mutual branding and associations.  Basically, it’s a mini-documentary of an extreme sports spectacle: a never-before-seen coordinated group of stunts with multiple flight technologies being expertly demonstrated, and beautifully shot. This kind of event is more “captured”…

  • Angels Baseball – Storyboards

    Angels Baseball – Storyboards

      Here’s a quick one today- sometimes I get contacted at the last minute to quickly sketch up a concept for a pitch, and it’s just a handful of frames to run by a client, and see what might stick.  That was the case for this project- and I don’t know enough of the context…

  • Storyboards for Reebok Cardio Ultra

    Storyboards for Reebok Cardio Ultra

      Face it.  You gotta work out, and you gotta look good doing it.  Reebok’s got you covered- as evidenced by this fun spot I did a while back. It’s beautifully shot (and storyboarded) and since it’s visually driven, it’s my favorite type of commercial.  These aren’t shoot boards, so it doesn’t match the final…

  • Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    A long time ago, in a studio far far away- I drew up some storyboards for a Star Wars TFA / Legos teaser-style commercial!  Its a lot of fun to draw Star Wars stuff, and like everyone else on the planet, I was very excited about the new films coming out.  So I’m super happy…

  • Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    I had a good run a couple of years ago getting hired to draw storyboards for an ad campaign for Labatt Blue, a Canadian Beer brand.  They have a Bear character (just an actor in a bear suit) who is their Party Champion – a “Duff Man,” if you will- who shows up at opportune…

  • Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

    Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

      Our last one for the Intel series!  What a journey. Starting out, we see a typical video conference.  Our high profile businesswoman is kicking corporate butt.  But then we reveal that she’s actually lakeside- using the power of Intel to convince her colleagues that she’s all business, but actually keeping a great work/life separation.…