Category: Travel
Red Bull / Audi Storyboards
Here’s a very fun spot I did a while back for Red Bull/Audi; a little cross promotional effort to reinforce mutual branding and associations. Basically, it’s a mini-documentary of an extreme sports spectacle: a never-before-seen coordinated group of stunts with multiple flight technologies being expertly demonstrated, and beautifully shot. This kind of event is more “captured”…
Intel Series pt 2: “Cliff”
Just a quick post today – I’ve got quite the backlog of great boards waiting to go up but I have been too busy to make posts! So I’m just going to kind of rush through the rest of the “Intel” series- after all, I did them all in one day (practically) and no…
So, I’ve had to hold this one back for a while, but now I’m able to talk a little bit about the artwork I’ve been doing for the past few years on this Hotwire campaign. I’m not going to go into too much detail- other than to say this a rare scenario where I worked…