Category: Action
Call of Duty “Extinction”- Cinematic
Lucky me, I got to work with the very talented folks at The Mill earlier this year, and storyboard their cinematic cutscene that they were doing for the new Call of Duty “Extinction” series. It’s a DLC expansion game, I believe, which means it’s a smaller, downloadable game, part of a very popular franchise, and…
“Call of Duty: Ghosts” Cinematic Storyboards – Part 4
This sequence was the load movie for the final mission of the video game- the big showdown, the final push of the forces of good versus the forces of evil. D-Day. Armageddon. All in. The plan? Knock out the satellite defenses in orbit which will allow the tank forces to breach the command control center…
Call of Duty: Ghosts – Cinematic Storyboards Pt. 3
This was a cool sequence- here we attempted to tell the story of how the balance of wold power shifted in this fictional universe and fostered the rise of the fascist warmongers in South America (it’s a video game, folks, not CNN). We open on a nuclear blast in the middle east- the fallout of…
Call of Duty: Ghosts – Cinematic Storyboards Pt 2 – “Clockwork”
It’s awesome when the final product closely resembles the storyboards. It clearly demonstrates success of the artist in his role as a visual storyteller. In this side-by-side comparison, you can see my original boards on the left and the final screenshots on the right. In storyboarding this sequence, I first reviewed the script and thought…
“Call of Duty: Ghosts” Part 1
On November 5, Activision released CoD: Ghosts, the hotly anticipated successor to the Call of Duty franchise. It’s set to make a bajillion dollars and influence untold impressionable young minds- and so I’m excited to share my small part in it. The summer months of 2013 were spent alongside my buddy Brian Yang, another Frameworks…
My Graphic Novel is now on sale! Available in Digital and Print!
I’m very excited to announce that 3 Minute Max, my graphic novel/webcomic, is now available for purchase in digital and print versions! This first volume is the collection of chapters 1-3 and is about 98 pages. Print versions are $20 and include shipping and taxes. Digital versions are $5.99 and available via Kindle or Comixology…
Defiants 4×4
Having worked on both, I never cease to marvel at how car commercials are strikingly similar to toy car commercials. They seem to need all the same kinds of shots, and both refer to each other, because many toy cars are sold on their “realism” and many cars are marketed to adults craving fun and…
Ultimate Fighter- NOS Pitch Boards
Just a quick one this week. Got a lot of stuff going on. So here we have some boards I did last year for a Ultimate Fighter/NOS tie-in. Everyone knows that the secret to success is to drink as many energy drinks as possible, and UFC fighters are no exception. And for that extra edge…
Sport Chek “Determination”
Here’s a spot I worked on earlier this year- A Sport Chek commercial starring NHL player Sidney Crosby. The premise is very straightforward- many slow motion shots of Sidney training hard in the gym, with the speed ramping up and building in intensity, and abruptly ending with tagline and logo lockup. I like working on…
K-Pow!! Zing!! Baff!
More comics! So, this month (December) my artwork will be included in Heroes of the North: CODA – Omnibus #3! It’s a collection of stories, with a bunch of artists contributing, and I’ve done a little two-pager for it. I’m excited to finally be in real print. I poured my skill into the work and I’m…
Not Just Commercials…. “Race at Target Field”
Many of my motion-graphics clients produce shorts and promotional materials as well as broadcast commercials. A few months ago I storyboarded a sequence to pitch a kind of animated short that screens at Target Field, home of the Minnesota Twins. Part of a larger campaign featuring a handful of…
Sonic’s first Street Art – Storyboards
So, yeah, was on Youtube last night and saw something familiar- a Chevy Sonic spot i worked on a couple months ago, come to life! Here’s a link to the video: And here’s the storyboards I did for it! [slideshow id=14]