Category: Action

  • Storyboards for Reebok Cardio Ultra

    Storyboards for Reebok Cardio Ultra

      Face it.  You gotta work out, and you gotta look good doing it.  Reebok’s got you covered- as evidenced by this fun spot I did a while back. It’s beautifully shot (and storyboarded) and since it’s visually driven, it’s my favorite type of commercial.  These aren’t shoot boards, so it doesn’t match the final…

  • Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    A long time ago, in a studio far far away- I drew up some storyboards for a Star Wars TFA / Legos teaser-style commercial!  Its a lot of fun to draw Star Wars stuff, and like everyone else on the planet, I was very excited about the new films coming out.  So I’m super happy…

  • Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    I had a good run a couple of years ago getting hired to draw storyboards for an ad campaign for Labatt Blue, a Canadian Beer brand.  They have a Bear character (just an actor in a bear suit) who is their Party Champion – a “Duff Man,” if you will- who shows up at opportune…

  • Intel Series pt 5:  “Replay”

    Intel Series pt 5: “Replay”

      Here’s another in the Intel series- quickly executed shoot boards for an Intel campaign highlighting tech innovations in daily life. This one’s silly- a dude gets hit in the face with a water balloon- a slow motion video captures the impact and aftermath- EPIC PRANK.  All that’s left is to edit and post it…

  • Intel Series pt 3: “Drone”

    Intel Series pt 3: “Drone”

      Lost in the woods?  Panicked for your life?  Hunted by bears?  No worry, Intel is there with a superintelligent rescue drone to track you by your heat signature and lead you back to civilization- capable of dodging trees in it’s path as well. This board continues the Intel Series I knocked out a while…

  • Intel Series pt 1: “Plunge” featuring the Peak fitness watch

    Intel Series pt 1: “Plunge” featuring the Peak fitness watch

    Another great spot I storyboarded for my clients at Slim Pictures.  These is an Intel commercial but focused on their integration with the latest offerings in computing wearables- called out in this case as the Peak fitness watch. In this spot we chase our Heroine through a densely wooded northern California forest- tracking, panning, pushing…

  • Payless “Parkour” Storyboards

    Payless “Parkour” Storyboards

    Seems like everyone’s always rushing around, late for something.  Hurry up!  Finish faster!  Boy, I hear a lot of that.  Just kidding, nobody’s faster than ol’ Maxi.  That’s why I was called to do this spot. They needed shoot boards ASAY (As Soon As Yesterday) and … well… frankly, we did this project so quickly,…

  • More NOS Storyboards…

    More NOS Storyboards…

    Man, I need to do some pushups or something, get back into fighting shape.  You may not believe this, but I coulda been a contender… What’s that?  You don’t believe it?  Well, moving on… Closest I’ll ever get to the ring, is drawing these MMA athletes for NOS energy drink commercials.  It’s just a few…

  • John Deere : Gator – Storyboards

    John Deere : Gator – Storyboards

    You’re a manly man, and you need a manly ATV to help with all your manly tasks.  John Deere’s Gator is for you. I worked on this project late in 2013 as I was moving into my house- I remember that time vividly as it was extremely cold in my workshed studio and I didn’t…

  • “Brave Frontier” Storyboards

    “Brave Frontier” Storyboards

    So, here’s some awesome storyboards I did for a video game commercial- a mobile game app called “Brave Frontier,” which is apparently very popular.  I wish I had more time to play games myself!  Jumped into this project and worked concurrently with some very talented concept artists and directors to establish a very cool look…

  • A Million Ways to Die in the West / Lizard Lick Towing

    A Million Ways to Die in the West / Lizard Lick Towing

    Here’s a quick fun one- my clients needed shoot boards for a promo synergistically tying in the Tru TV series “Iguana Lick Towing” with Universal Pictures release “A Million Ways to Die in the West.”  It’s like two commercials in one- hey, at least it’s efficient! Nothing particularly remarkable about this job, other than the…

  • Corvette Stingray Storyboards – “Machine”

    Corvette Stingray Storyboards – “Machine”

    I love doing car commercials- I feel like I draw cars well, and quickly.  Well, my speed was put to the test when I was called to board this commercial. These are “shoot boards,” meaning these are the last draft of the storyboards before shooting starts. Often they are hurried, and rough, because at the…