Category: Family
Sketch of my cat, Hugh
The point of being an artist, is, of course, to sketch cats. Here’s my boy cat, Hugh, doing what he does best.
A Million Ways to Die in the West / Lizard Lick Towing
Here’s a quick fun one- my clients needed shoot boards for a promo synergistically tying in the Tru TV series “Iguana Lick Towing” with Universal Pictures release “A Million Ways to Die in the West.” It’s like two commercials in one- hey, at least it’s efficient! Nothing particularly remarkable about this job, other than the…
Reeses Puffs Breakfast Cereal Storyboards
We see our young hero approach his ultramodern kitchen and select his breakfast of choice- Reeses, of course. It’s the only cereal replete with musical talent. Each little particle of puffed wheat is a symphony in the crunching. That’s clear. But what you may not realize is no force on earth can contain said symphony…
Visa “Nuts-ish”
It’s what happens when you get a new Visa card. You go a little “nuts-ish”. You’ve got all this newfound spending power, and your imagination goes kinda nuts, to the point that your living room is transformed into a playden of impulse purchases. You’re camping in the woods with your buddy, backpacking in the Himalayas…