Category: Humor

  • “Daddy, where does the internet come from?”

    “Daddy, where does the internet come from?”

    So, a while ago, I worked with a company that will remain nameless, to produce boards for a competitive pitch for a commercial for a cable company that shall remain nameless.  Why all the namelessness?  Well, in the end, we lost the pitch to a company that shall remain nameless.  So all the hard work…

  • Alamo:  Meet the Getaways

    Alamo: Meet the Getaways

    Just a quick post today.  Here’s a campaign I worked on at Brand New School a few months back and has been recently been airing:  Alamo: Meet the Getaways.  You might have seen them! And check out the other three spots here: And here’s the storyboards! [slideshow id=31] So while the boards themselves were…

  • DSW & The Fox House

    Last year, on Halloween, I boarded the DSW commercial that is airing right now (early March, 2013): This commercial was a lot of fun to work on, and also very different, because I was up close and personal with the production, and in this case, it was a real treat.  I received the scripts…

  • Old Navy Funnovations Inc!

    Old Navy Funnovations Inc!

    [singlepic id=594 w=320 h=240 float=]   Well well well, Its been almost a year since I worked on these Old Navy spots and so it’s probably ok to talk about them now.  For those of you who don’t watch TV (the only excuse you might have for not seeing these ubiquitous commercials), these Old Navy…

  • Caveman!


    So here’s a commercial I worked on back in April.  I usually like to wait a while before I consider it “safe” to discuss a project on this blog, because, well, it’s not a good thing to release production artwork before the commercial airs!  And even though I didn’t see this one air, I know…

  • Hockey meets Honda

    Hockey meets Honda

    Earlier this year I worked on a Honda commercial that featured hockey stars Nicklas Lidstrom and Corey Perry.  In the spot, the athletes leave the sports arena and head to their Honda Pilot.  Once inside, they are shocked to find hundreds of hats falling (as happens when an athlete scores a hat trick; 3 goals)…

  • Not Just Commercials…. “Race at Target Field”

                Many of my motion-graphics clients produce shorts and promotional materials as well as broadcast commercials.  A few months ago I storyboarded a sequence to pitch a kind of animated short that screens at Target Field, home of the Minnesota Twins.  Part of a larger campaign featuring a handful of…

  • Zombies!

    I was trying to think of something interesting to post, and came across some boards I did for this Walking Dead Sweepstakes/Bing commercial.  This was kinda fun for me, since I never get to draw zombies; usually my assignments involve drawing healthy, happy people, nothing scary.  I’m a fan of the Walking Dead comic book,…

  • Sonic’s first Street Art – Storyboards

    Sonic’s first Street Art – Storyboards

    So, yeah, was on Youtube last night and saw something familiar- a Chevy Sonic spot i worked on a couple months ago, come to life!  Here’s a link to the video: And here’s the storyboards I did for it! [slideshow id=14]  

  • “Monopoly” Lottery

    “Monopoly” Lottery

    Here’s a fun series of boards. Kinda wacky.  A “Monopoly”-obsessed man comes home and plays the lottery.  His whole life revolves around monopoly…  Some pretty funny visuals in here.  I think I did a pretty good job of drawing the oversize monopoly pieces. [slideshow id=8]