Here’s kind of a funny notion- a commercial that’s top secret while you’re working on it, and barely disclosed as it airs, and you can’t even guess whether or not you even contributed towards it. How fun! Well, I drew the following boards, and the following commercial was aired shortly after, and that’s about all I know. You might think you know even less, but, you probably don’t!
I doubt I need to spell out the challenges of working on a project in which you – A:) Know nothing about the product or company itself; B:) Can only guess if any other competitors are bidding on the same project; and C:) after the fact, searching for the final aired commercial, and finding no clear trail to trace back to anything you drew, nor to any known competitors of your clients.
Did I work on this commercial? Was it all a dream? Well, it’s on youtube, and resembles my drawings. Your guess is as good as mine.
If it makes you feel any better, the projects for Major Brand Names are like 1000x more secretive. Sleep well. LOL!

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