So here’s a riddle: When are you HAPPY that your favorite binge-able show finally is finally axed? WHEN IT MEANS YOU CAN FINALLY POST your storyboards for the promos!!! I’ve been dying to show these off for a while now. Of course, these were just pitches for promos, and as far as I can tell, none of the concepts I drew were produced, which totally slays me.

I thought these were some really killer concepts, but maybe the client thought we butchered the execution. Ok, enough pun-ishment. Wouldn’t want you to get “board.” Lol!
First board set: Bates’ “Room”; The room seems to close in and crack under in intense psychological pressure:
And second board set: Bates’ “Stairs”; We follow our hero up a set of stairs and meet our horrific fate:
That’s some creepy stuff! I hope you enjoyed watching these. BTW, I did all these boards and MORE in a single 8-hour day. What can I say? I really do BLEED for this job! Bwhahahahah!! See you next time….

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