This is a quick job that needed 3 spots boarded, with COLOR, in half a day! Of course, I’m used to needing to draw quickly, but color usually really slows things down. Of course, being a great storyboard artist is all about adapting and turning weaknesses into strengths, and of course, being the total zen master, it’s all just flow anyway.
That’s mostly BS but there is some truth to the notion that when you are challenged with something that seems impossible, you start to think outside the box. I knew that my normal approach wouldn’t work, so, what kind of approach could? Since the nature of the spot didn’t require perfect color, that meant I could take a risk and try something new- and while I don’t really disclose techniques in this blog, i believe the frames speak for themselves when I say, this different approach turned out great. In this job, you really have to be able to use every trick in book, and then some.

If you look at the frames, I’ve managed to color them without coloring the whole image- leaving lots of white space in reserve as “highlights” and then as just negative space, worked out really well in this context. Saved a ton of time this way, and still looks good! Of course, the humorous, non-serious nature of the spots was compatible with this approach- but I wouldn’t be able to use this technique on just any project.
You might also notice- I recycled some of the poses! I had to, to save time. When your job is only 4 hours long, every minute counts. Oh, you didn’t notice? Neither did the client. Not that it’s unreasonable to recycle art when the client puts an unreasonable deadline in front of you. You get what you pay for! But in general, I nearly never recycle drawings 🙂
To provide some context for the boards, the spots involve a “mystery” to be solved, when a friend comes over, and helps her forgetful buddy remember what chore/product she was using moments before. Simple and Silly. Here’s the boards.
Done and done. See you next time!
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