My name is Max Forward, and I’m a Storyboard Artist and Illustrator based in Los Angeles, specializing in Advertising, Short Form Content and Video Game Trailers.

My most impressive recent work can’t be posted here until the “heat” dies down, so everything I’ll post here is at least 2 years old (as of June 2024). That said, I’ll be focusing more on updating this site with samples in an effort to help my industry more firmly establish the importance of our craft in these trying times.

If you have questions regarding availability or just want to ask a storyboard artist some questions, please feel free to email my anytime: and I’ll do my best to help 🙂

  • Celebrity Apprentice / Walgreens Storyboards

    Celebrity Apprentice / Walgreens Storyboards

    Invariably, a career in commercial storyboarding will eventually involve drawing celebrities endorsing products.  Sometimes the celebrities not only endorse products, but also the retailers that the products are sold in, and even the charities that benefit from the sales of the products, and ultimately the show that features the celebrities that compete to benefit the…

  • Pitch Boards – Living Social

    Pitch Boards – Living Social

    Here’s some boards I did last year for one of my agency clients, presenting campaign ideas for Living Social, that cool company that sells discounted experiences to adventurous adults.  That’s the basic theme of these boards, to show people having fun doing things they wouldn’t normally do, like skeet shooting (for girls), painting nude models,…

  • Kingsford Charcoal “Mother’s Day”

    Kingsford Charcoal “Mother’s Day”

    This week’s storyboard is from a Kingsford Charcoal commercial, aired around Mother’s Day in 2012.  It’s a humorous yet touching interaction between father and son as they discuss the merits of going the extra mile for Mom… vs slappin’ some meat on the grill and eating like Real Men.  Luckily, Mom’s down for steak too.…

  • Sport Chek “Determination”

    Sport Chek “Determination”

    Here’s a spot I worked on earlier this year- A Sport Chek commercial starring NHL player Sidney Crosby.  The premise is very straightforward- many slow motion shots of Sidney training hard in the gym, with the speed ramping up and building in intensity, and abruptly ending with tagline and logo lockup. I like working on…

  • Qatar Foundation – Pitch

    Qatar Foundation – Pitch

    Behold, another set of pitch boards for a commercial that wasn’t awarded.  You might be thinking, “Wow, you had a bit of a losing streak, huh?” Actually I pull these samples arbitrarily from past work as it “ripens” for posting, so there really was no streak per se, but I think it’s also a learning…

  • VALSPAR Pitch

    VALSPAR Pitch

    Here’s a sequence I boarded for a Valspar paint commercial, which we pitched, but alas, did not get.  What a shame, because I had a lot of good ideas and was able to clearly spell them out in my ‘animation’ here.  I dare say most other storyboard animatics don’t get quite to the level that…

  • “Daddy, where does the internet come from?”

    “Daddy, where does the internet come from?”

    So, a while ago, I worked with a company that will remain nameless, to produce boards for a competitive pitch for a commercial for a cable company that shall remain nameless.  Why all the namelessness?  Well, in the end, we lost the pitch to a company that shall remain nameless.  So all the hard work…

  • Beachy Breezy boards for Gillette

    It’s late and I drank too much coffee- might as well post some storyboards! Right?  So here we go: A few months back I had the pleasure of working on a Gillette spot for their 3 Venus Summer Goddess Embrace line of razors- I’m sure there’s a distinct shaving advantage for each one, but, being…

  • Sparkling Ice

    Sparkling Ice

    So if you’re in LA, you’ve probably noticed these Sparkling Ice billboards going up everywhere- I know I see three of them when I commute to the west side. You might have also seen their TV spot as well!  Well, I storyboarded it.  First, take a look at the video, and then I’ll discuss.…

  • Hotwire!


    So, I’ve had to hold this one back for a while, but now I’m able to talk a little bit about the artwork I’ve been doing for the past few years on this Hotwire campaign. I’m not going to go into too much detail- other than to say this a rare scenario where I worked…

  • Time for a little Storyboarding Q&A!

    Recently, I received some questions from a young up-and-comer in the industry, asking for some specifics on how I got started and looking for tips on getting noticed by clients.  Instead of just replying directly, I’ve decided to share the responses in a fresh new post here, so that others may benefit from my blabbermouthing…

  • There’s a new player in town… introducing Shotbox

    There’s a new player in town… introducing Shotbox

    UPDATE 3/25/2015 – Sorry to pass along some news: has shut down, and so this post is basically moot.  Shotbox used an online subscription model, and had promising but limited applicabilities as far as producing presentation-style storyboards.  For their part, on their website at least, they say they don’t have the time or money…

Ready to reach out?